I’m Sorry

Brenda Lee recorded the song “I’m Sorry” in 1960. She was 15 years old. Decca withheld the release of the song for fear that such a young person could never really sing about unrequited love. It became a hit song here on multiple charts and in the UK. I’m sorry is probably one the most…

I’ve Got A Secret

I’ve Got A Secret Do you remember the old TV show called “I’ve God A Secret”? There are several take offs of this show and this has even been updated to more modern set, hip celebrities and a couple of new twists with Anthony Anderson as host. The object of the game is for the…

Can You Outrun a Bear?

There was a fellow who was starting to do physical training and running laps and such. His friend asked him what he was doing. He explained that he and some others at work were going bear hunting and to be safe he wanted to get into shape in case a bear started chasing them. His…

Ouch, I Shot My Big Toe Off…

When I was a young lad, my goal in life was to grow up and become Hopalong Cassidy, Jr. I owned lots of guns suitable for the youngster of 4-10 years old. Some were nearly new, some were long past their usefulness. I also had a BB gun but that is another story. I grew…

Another message from God?

We have all seen stories about someone finding themselves on a deserted island, all alone and having to battle the elements to survive. They seek and seek the horizon for the outline of a ship but day after day, week after week, year after year, no outline is to be seen. The world has forgotten…

Is The How As Important As The Why?

In his immortal poem, Kipling gave us an insight to knowledge and how best to attain it from a proper worldly perspective. If we used all these servants in our dealings there may be fewer issues between men. Scoundrels would be exposed early. Here is the first stanza. “I Keep Six Honest Serving Men …”…

Fear can lead to Faith!

Proverbs 1:7 “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction.” What would make you afraid? There have been many things in my life that have brought fright for a moment. The BLOB, The Thing and all those scary movies we used to watch when we were young….

You Can’t Play in the Sand Box Without Getting Sand in Your Shoes.

Years ago, I owned my own construction company. We specialized in making roadway beds and moving dirt in large quantities. I had the dump truck, the earth mover and the obligatory road grader. I was responsible for moving tons of earth… and creating enough road beds to reach across America. Like most construction engineers, I…

What difference does it make?

Theology matters Jesus asked Peter, “who do YOU say that I am?” There are many false Christs put forth but only one will suffice. All the others are useless. Who do you say Jesus is? “For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh….

Where Did America Go?

When you look at movies, sports, music and even politics, you always come to the question of “Where is ——–?” Someone is almost always called into remembrance and folks want to know that happened to them. Where did they go? Are they still alive? Our minds are turned to the glory of their lives and…

Don’t Go Flingin’ No Cravin’

The first time I ever heard the phrase “done flung a cravin’..” was from a Jerry Clower record. He was talking about Marcel Ledbetter and Marcel’s cousin, Bully, and sardines in mustard sauce. Marcel said “Bully done flung a cravin’..”. My education was complete. As we go through life, we are all enticed by many…

I will sort my own marbles, please.

When I was young, I loved to play with marbles. I had a box full and beyond the playing marbles in the dirt with others, I made up various games to play that were akin to shuffleboard or bowling but played on a soft surface. I had many fun hours with these round pieces of…